[MinnowBoard] I2C start and stop condition

Mathieu COTEROT mcoterot at implantrack.com
Thu Sep 7 10:48:11 UTC 2017


I'm currently trying to control a pwm generator through the I2C port. I 
get a problem with the start and stop condition of I2C, under Linux OS.

If I'm correctly understand tutorial , I should modify SDA and SCL port 
(as detailed in this tutorial : 
http://www.robot-electronics.co.uk/i2c-tutorial) for initiate a 
communication with the slave (pwm generator).

However, I'm not able to access the I2C port through gpio pin.

For example, this command : (with root user)

echo 498 > /sys/class/gpio/export

Return :

bash: echo: write error: Invalid argument

May I misunderstood something ?

Thanks by advance for your help.



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