[MinnowBoard] Minnownoard max design with Gerber fils and install it

John 'Warthog9' Hawley warthog9 at eaglescrag.net
Thu Nov 3 07:12:04 UTC 2016

- Did you use the MAX or the Turbot Gerber files?
- Do either of the LEDs (D1, D2) come on when power is applied?
- Did you get the SoC itself placed correctly?
- Which SoC are you using?
- Which RAM chips are you using?
- Does anything come out on the serial port during boot?
- Have you tried with the debug firmware?
- Are you sure there isn't a short on the pcb itself?

If you can answer that it should get us a good starting point on trying 
to help you with what you are seeing.

- John 'Warthog9' Hawley

On 11/3/2016 12:01 AM, zahra rahimkhani wrote:
> Hello
> I make  a minnowboard  max with use from GERBER files on its website .
> but it do not work . i tested all of voltages . they are correct .
> also freamwear was programmed by a programmer on chip 1.8 v
> but it is not work . please suggest a solve?
> thank you
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