[MinnowBoard] Minnowboard.org wiki access/terms of service

Bill Traynor btraynor at gmail.com
Sun Apr 3 16:17:21 UTC 2016

On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 11:35 AM, Warren Block <wblock at wonkity.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 3 Apr 2016, Bill Traynor wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 8:39 AM, Warren Block <wblock at wonkity.com> wrote:
>>> Hello.  I started to set up an account at
>>> http://wiki.minnowboard.org/Special:RequestAccount
>>> But the Terms of Service page is blank:
>>> http://wiki.minnowboard.org/MinnowBoard_Wiki:Terms_of_Service
>>> And setting up an account requires agreeing to those terms, which will be
>>> filled in later.  That makes me a bit reluctant.
>> To request an account you don't actually have to read the ToS, you
>> just have to tick the box that says you did.  Are you saying you're
>> concerned that there are no terms of service at all and would like
>> them filled in?
> Yes.  It's not just an agreement that they have been read, but an agreement
> to abide by them.  Having these blank is not exactly like signing a blank
> check, but it leaves room for unhappy misunderstandings later.

OK, well, I'll leave that to John to complete.

>>> There is no direct admin contact point listed, so I have joined this list
>>> in
>>> the hope that it's the right place to ask.
>> On any wiki using MediaWiki, you can always find the admins on this page:
>> http://wiki.minnowboard.org/index.php?title=Special:ListUsers&group=sysop
>> In this case, the admin you'll want to contact is warthog9, although
>> he will likely respond to this email.
> Excellent!
>>> Could the ToS be filled in?  Or I can report bugs in the wiki here, if
>>> desired.  Like the links to Google+, Facebook, and Twitter on the Get
>>> Involved page have trailing pipe symbols that make them 404...
>> All of these links work fine for me.
> The ones at the bottom of http://wiki.minnowboard.org/Get_Involved ?
> Firefox 45 gives me a 404 for these until I remove that vertical bar at the
> end:
> https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/107232752308803303026/+MinnowboardOrg/posts%7C
> https://www.facebook.com/pages/MinnowBoard/388667897899215%7C
> https://twitter.com/MinnowBoard%7C

Ah, I thought you meant the left nav links.  Anyway, I fixed the broken links.

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