[MinnowBoard] Getting MNW2 BIOS fixes committed

Wei, David david.wei at intel.com
Mon Jun 29 08:11:57 UTC 2015

Sorry Bruce.

We may missed  your patch. I will search mail history and review it soon.

David | SSG BIOS

From: elinux-MinnowBoard [mailto:elinux-minnowboard-bounces at lists.elinux.org] On Behalf Of B Cran
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2015 11:15 AM
To: MinnowBoard Development and Community Discussion
Subject: [MinnowBoard] Getting MNW2 BIOS fixes committed

I've noticed a few mistakes in the MNW2 BIOS - for example 'Configuration' typo'd as 'Congfiguration', the UEFI spec version still set to 2.3.1 instead of 2.4 and a couple of other things.

I sent an initial patch to the edk2-devel mailing list to try and fix the 'Congfiguration' strings but haven't had any response from the maintainers.  Is there a better way to get fixes committed, or should I just file bugs in the tracker and leave making changes to the Intel developers?

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