[MinnowBoard] Testing Coreboot

Jeff Thomas jeff.thomas at se-eng.com
Fri May 1 19:15:40 UTC 2015

Sage Electronic Engineering hopes to have a new update of its
coreboot-based OSP for the MinnowBoard MAX available in the next few weeks,
as we work around the unavailability of the Compatibility Support Module in
the UEFI that came packaged with the board. We thank the members of the
MinnowBoard community who made us aware of this problem, and thank all of
you for your patience. In the meantime, Community members who have access
to hardware-based SPI programmers should be able to install the demo ROM

Jeff Thomas, marketing communications specialist
Sage Electronic Engineering (www.se-eng.com
Office: 303-495-5499 ext: 121
Cell: 303-604-1020
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