[MinnowBoard] How to create working firmware image for source level debugging on usb2 port?

Lin, Jie jie.lin at intel.com
Tue Mar 31 07:56:37 UTC 2015

Only tried source level debug through UART before. Please consult current source level debugger owner Ni, Ruiyu for debugging through USB channel.


From: Wei, David
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 3:52 PM
To: MinnowBoard Development and Community Discussion; Lin, Jie
Subject: RE: [MinnowBoard] How to create working firmware image for source level debugging on usb2 port?

Add Jie Lin.

David | SSG BIOS

From: elinux-MinnowBoard [mailto:elinux-minnowboard-bounces at lists.elinux.org] On Behalf Of Tomislav Varga
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 3:15 PM
To: elinux-minnowboard at lists.elinux.org<mailto:elinux-minnowboard at lists.elinux.org>
Subject: [MinnowBoard] How to create working firmware image for source level debugging on usb2 port?

Hi everybody,
I' m new to MinnowBoard  Max and I started working on Minnow board month ago.

 We tried to do source level debug with USB port on MinowBoard Max following instructions in UDK-Debugger-Tool-User-Manual v1.91 and using Ajays tool. We added DebugCommunicationLibUsb in PlatformPkgIA32.dsc. We set SOURCE_DEBUG_ENABLE from false on true in PlatformPkgConfig.dsc. Before compiling firmware image we executed build -D SOURCE_DEBUG_ENABLE.  When we tried compile debug  version of firmware image with SourceLevelDebugPkg there was not enough space on volume FvRecovery (error 3000:  Invalid G required Fv image size 0x2e890 exeeds the set fv image size 0x2d000 enFds.exe). Then we changed FLASH_REGION_FV_RECOVERY2_SIZE to 0x0002A000 and changed FLASH_REGION_FV_RECOVERY_OFFSET to 0x002D0000 and FLASH_REGION_FV_RECOVERY_SIZE 0x00030000 in Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/PlatformPkg.fdf. It compiled sucesfully and we burned image on flash. After we started Minnow it didn't boot and WinDbg version 6.3.9600.17298 showed message debugge not connected. Driver for Ajays USB 2.0 debug device is usb2dbg version 6.3.9600.17298.  USBlyzer tool showed that there was activity on usb port on host and there is communication between SoftDebugger Debug Console and MinnowBoard Max. Can you tell us how to create working firmware image for source level debugging on usb2 port?

Best regards,
Tomislav Varga

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