[MinnowBoard] image size 5242880

Wei, David david.wei at intel.com
Wed Mar 25 01:20:47 UTC 2015

Please send us the image of size 5242880, so that we can check what’s missing.

David | SSG BIOS

From: elinux-MinnowBoard [mailto:elinux-minnowboard-bounces at lists.elinux.org] On Behalf Of Дмитрий Оботуров
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 6:56 AM
To: elinux-minnowboard at lists.elinux.org
Subject: [MinnowBoard] image size 5242880


I try to build binary images according to the following instruction http://firmware.intel.com/sites/default/files/MinnowBoard%20MAX%20Rev.0.78-ReleaseNotes.txt

After performed command ". Build_IFWI.sh MNW2 Release",  I get the file named MNW2MAX_X64_R_0078_02_GCC.bin with the file size of 5242880 and the following message:
 : error 000E: File/directory not found in workspace

- Failed -

Why does this file have the size of 5242880 when the size is to be 8388608? What is the cause of this error?
Thank you.
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