[MinnowBoard] I search a box/case/enclosure for the Minnowboard MAX

nb nb at dagami.org
Sun Mar 15 10:49:25 UTC 2015


I would like to put my MinnowBoard MAX in boxes.
I have no 3D printer, and I want ma box to be in metal.
I’ve the bluebox that is sold, but it’s too small. I can’t put a SSD drive into it.
I had a look at Martin's atelier, it’s a good start. I’ve wrote to him today to have more informations on how to build it.

If anyone else has ideas, or seen something else, please let me know.

The bluebox with room for SATA disk, would be a good solution. I don’t know if the bluebox is compatible with MBM + Flotsam board.

Bluebox is here: http://store.netgate.com/MBX/Case.aspx

Thanks in advance



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