[MinnowBoard] GSOC-2015

Aman Singh singh26.aman at gmail.com
Sun Mar 8 15:48:07 UTC 2015

Hello everyone ,

I am a second year student and want to contribute to minnow board community
in GSoC-2015.
I am interested in idea of extending wiring/process libraries to
minnow_board max.I have worked with varied embedded systems such as
Arduino, BBB  and comfortable with C,C++ and Arduino wiring languages. I
guess the basic idea is to create wiring framework for minnow_board, make
it suitable for all users familiar with arduino or other wiring IDE,
correct me if I am wrong. I will suggest to have a lot of examples and nice
documentation so that new users find it easy to start. I appreciate the
graphic features of MB_max, try to include a project for it if time permits.

Right now, I am trying go through firmware and hardware support to figure
out how can we improve I/O performance ?

Aman Singh
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering
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