[MinnowBoard] GSOC 2015: Student Introduction

hitesh ramani hiteshramani at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 4 21:35:53 UTC 2015

Hello John,
Glad to see the response from your side.
> I'm actually rather curious what functionality you are extending in Postgres

Briefly, I'm trying to enhance the sorting code by exploiting parallelism, integrating it with the CUDA architecture.

> Best place to start is snagging a copy of the Tianocore EDK2 source code
> and compiling it under Linux.  From there you should start to see what
> the problems are and start being able to understand the direction things
> need to go in.

As you said, I've built the Tianocore EDK2 in my system. I will now begin the analysis for the problems, any starting points you can suggest or any known issues?
Thanks and Regards,Hitesh Ramani 		 	   		  
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