[MinnowBoard] GSOC 2015: Student Introduction

John 'Warthog9' Hawley warthog19 at eaglescrag.net
Wed Mar 4 05:49:44 UTC 2015

> My name is Hitesh Ramani, and I'm pursuing my Master's in Technology
> from Hyderabad Central University, Hyderabad, India. I've gone through
> the Projects page and the Project that caught my attention particularly
> was Clean up / Fix EDK2 (Tianocore) GCC firmware build system.


> I, as my Post Graduation project, am currently working on Postgres,
> which is a C based ORDBMS, trying to extend it's functionalities. I also
> have a 2.5 year working experience with Python and am well versed with C
> and shell.

I'm actually rather curious what functionality you are extending in Postgres

> As the requirements go, I have been working in in the Linux Shell since
> an year now. I've been working with the Postgres binary package, editing
> the code and the flags, re-compiling(on gcc) it and debugging it, hence
> I have knowledge of Makefiles and building binaries. 

Always a good place to start!

> Please guide me as per how should I start.

Best place to start is snagging a copy of the Tianocore EDK2 source code
and compiling it under Linux.  From there you should start to see what
the problems are and start being able to understand the direction things
need to go in.

- John

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