[MinnowBoard] New minnow board max and no video and no console - broken ?

Jan Willies jan at willies.info
Mon Feb 16 15:40:18 UTC 2015

2015-02-16 16:10 GMT+01:00 nb <nb at dagami.org>:

> >> I’ve also bought a small ftid to usb board to boot on serial console if
> display don’t work.
> >> I’ve tried this with a linux box using serial. I use kermit on a Mac,
> and all was ok.
> >> I tried it on the serial connector, but nothing happens. I’ve tried
> different speeds 19200 bps, 115200, 56700 but no success.
> >> I see leds blinking (on ftdi board) at boot time, and when typing on
> the Mac keyboard but no text is displayed.
> >>
> >> Isn’t the minnowboard broken?
> >> I really don’t understand.

For the Minnowboard, HDMI is giving out more (and earlier) information than
serial, at least that's what I read.

But you are not alone, I'm having the same problem. At least half the time
the board won't boot with no indication why. There's simply no output, so
very hard to debug.
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