[MinnowBoard] [edk2] Missing quote in 0.76 firmware build script on windows?

Andrew Fish afish at apple.com
Thu Feb 12 00:30:22 UTC 2015

> On Feb 11, 2015, at 4:02 PM, John Hawley <john.hawley at intel.com> wrote:
> Punting this over to the edk2 list as they may have a clearer answer.

Hard to say with all the batch scripts hiding things….

Generally you can control the tools you are using by passing them in to the build.exe command. So you would pass -t VS2012. 

The definition of the tools lives here: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/edk2/code/trunk/edk2/BaseTools/Conf/tools_def.template

When you run https://svn.code.sf.net/p/edk2/code/trunk/edk2/edksetup.bat you get local copies of the BaseTools/Conf/*.template copied to the Conf directory. 

The defaults for the arguments for the build command come from Conf/target.txt (copied from https://svn.code.sf.net/p/edk2/code/trunk/edk2/BaseTools/Conf/target.template). Thus the default is MYTOOLS, which looks like VS2008.  

You can update Conf/target.txt to point at another version of the tools(this sets the default if -t is not passed to the build command), if the scripts are passing -t to the build command you will have to do something script specific.  If you installed the compiler to a non default location then you may have to edit the “common path macros” in the Conf/tools_def.txt. 


Andrew Fish

> - John 'Warthog9' Hawley
> On 02/11/2015 02:34 PM, Jack Black wrote:
>> OK, it turned out that the error was because I had just slapped VS
>> 2008 express on the box (since there were no instructions on how to
>> change the build process to use VS2012 which I have the full version
>> of), and it was missing the 64 bit compiler. So once I installed the
>> Win 7 SDK 3.5 from here
>> http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=3138 it
>> compiled fine.
>> If anyone knows how I could mod it to compile w/ VS2012 rather than
>> 2008 though, that would be appreciated
>> On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 4:09 PM, Jack Black <theworkaccount2 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I executed "Build_IFWI.bat MNW2 Debug" and it gets pretty far into the
>>> build process before I get the following error, which seems like a
>>> missing quote? Where should I correct?
>>> Building ... c:\minmax076\MdePkg\Library\BasePcdLibNull\BasePcdLibNull.inf
>>> [X64]
>>>        "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
>>> 9.0\Vc\bin\x86_amd64\cl.exe"
>>> /Foc:\minmax076\Build\Vlv2TbltDevicePkg\DEBUG_VS2008x86\X64\MdePkg\Library\
>>> BasePcdLibNull\BasePcdLibNull\OUTPUT\.\PcdLib.obj /nologo /c /WX /GS-
>>> /X /W4 /Gs32768 /D UNICODE /O1ib2s /GL /Gy /FIAutoGen.h /EHs-c- /GR-
>>> /GF /Zi /Gm  /DENBDT_
>>> /Ic:\minmax076\MdePkg\Library\BasePcdLibNull  /Ic:\minmax
>>> 076\Build\Vlv2TbltDevicePkg\DEBUG_VS2008x86\X64\MdePkg\Library\BasePcdLibNull\BasePcdLibNull\DEBUG
>>> /Ic:\minmax076\MdePkg  /Ic:\minmax076\MdePkg\Include  /Ic:\m
>>> inmax076\MdePkg\Include\X64 c:\minmax076\MdePkg\Library\BasePcdLibNull\PcdLib.c
>>> 'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
>>> operable program or batch file.
>>> NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
>>> Studio 9.0\Vc\bin\x86_amd64\cl.exe' : return code '0x1'
>>> Stop.
>>> build...
>>> : error 7000: Failed to execute command
>>>        C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
>>> 9.0\Vc\bin\nmake.exe /nologo tbuild
>>> [c:\minmax076\Build\Vlv2TbltDevicePkg\DEBUG_VS2008x86\X64\MdePkg\Libr
>>> ary\BasePcdLibNull\BasePcdLibNull]
>>> build...
>>> : error 7000: Failed to execute command
>>>        C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
>>> 9.0\Vc\bin\nmake.exe /nologo tbuild
>>> [c:\minmax076\Build\Vlv2TbltDevicePkg\DEBUG_VS2008x86\X64\MdePkg\Libr
>>> ary\BaseLib\BaseLib]
>>> build...
>>> : error F002: Failed to build module
>>>        c:\minmax076\MdePkg\Library\BasePcdLibNull\BasePcdLibNull.inf
>>> [X64, VS2008x86, DEBUG]
>>> - Failed -
>>> Build end time: 16:02:55, Feb.11 2015
>>> Build total time: 00:00:22
>>> -- Error:  EDKII BIOS Build has failed
>>> See EDK2.log for more details
>>> Wed 02/11/2015  16:02:55.69
>>> echo  -- Error Building BIOS
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