[MinnowBoard] Minnowboard MAX with Dediprog em100 pro SPI emulator

Simon Glass sjg at chromium.org
Mon Feb 2 17:56:59 UTC 2015


On 2 February 2015 at 07:09, Krause Martin <Martin.Krause at tq-group.com> wrote:
> Hi Charlie,
> Charlie Nakamura wrote
> > Krause Martin <Martin.Krause at ...> writes:
> >
> > >
> > > Hi Simon,
> > >
> > > I'm using both - the SF100 programmer and the EM100Pro emulator - on
> > > the Minnowboard Max with success.
> >
> > Could you share the pinout you're using with the EM100Pro and the
> > Minnow? I have a Minnowboard but not Max. As such, I can't use the clip,
> > because the flash is too low profile on the original minnow. And I want to
> > know if I can get away with only connecting the 6 pins that I know for sure, or
> > if I need to connect something to pins 7 and 8 to do proper emulation (and if
> > so, what?)
> The EM100Pro has a 20 pin connector, so I assume you refer to your
> SPI flash device with your pin numbers?
> I don't know the minnow board, only the minnow max, so here a few
> general notes to the EM100Pro:
> If you want to use the EM100Pro in parallel to your soldered flash,
> the important pin is the HOLD pin. If this pin is driven low on the
> soldered flash, it does not drive any pins. So it acts as if not
> present. This is important for the emulator to work, because it
> then can simulate all signals without interfering with the soldered
> flash.
> The HOLD pin is usually polled low by the emulator, if you connect
> the emulator HOLD with your soldered flash HOLD. Please note, that
> the HOLD pin of the soldered flash has to be pulled-up through a
> resister to VCC on the minnow board (please look at the schematics).
> If it is connected directly to VCC then the emulator could not pull the
> pin low and could not disable the flash.
> All other pins of the emulator should be connected directly to the
> SPI bus (= the pins of the soldered flash, if there is no extra header
> available):
> GND <-> GND
> VCC <-> VCC
> CLK <-> CLK
> CS <-> CS
> The WP (write protect) pin should not matter.
> So if the minnow board has the same SPI flash connector as
> the minnow max, you could adapt the emulator to this
> connector. The only thing additionally you have to do is, pull
> the HOLD pin of the onboard flash to low (GND)

Thanks Martin for that excellent response which is much better than I
could have written. I have all 8 pins connected, FWIW. I tried a
half-hearted effort to desolder the chip and then thought better of
it. The clip seems very reliable for me.


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