[MinnowBoard] Firmware: 0.76 out

John Hawley john.hawley at intel.com
Tue Jan 27 06:26:33 UTC 2015

I got this up onto the various social media outlets earlier today, but I
wanted to make sure everyone was aware that the firmware team has gotten
0.76 out and available and it has a new home at

Some of you will find that your old links may be broken right now, a
series of events has made the transition over to the new site a bit more
problematic for the firmware team, and they are still trying to track
down redirects that aren't working.  If you uncover a URL that isn't
redirecting properly (likely sending you to iafirmware.com) e-mail me
off list and I'll let them know, and get it fixed.

0.76 is actually 3 releases in 1, as it rolls up all the changes since
0.73, including 0.74 and 0.75 (both releases were cancelled due to
issues found late in their respective testing cycles).

Things to note in the release:
- First Single & Dual core firmware
- new GOP (graphics) driver
- updated PXE stack (IPv4&6)
- UEFI shell 2
- Source now on, and developed at, Tianocore
- Serial console should be roughly as verbose as HDMI
- Added <del> key as a firmware hotkey (<F1> is still there but it's a
pain to type over serial)
- Lots of bugfixes

It's been a while since a firmware went out, and this one has a lot of
good stuff in it, and I'd generally recommend folks upgrade, with the
standard caveats about upgrading firmware on a system.

If you have problems ask about them here, IRC, social media or file a
bug and we'll try to get things resolved!

- John 'Warthog9' Hawley

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