[MinnowBoard] I2C with MPU6050

Nanik T nanikjava at gmail.com
Wed Oct 15 11:32:15 UTC 2014


I've got a MPU6050 (like this one
and I'm able to read it using Raspberry Pi using this instruction

I'm trying to do the same by interfacing it with Minnowboard Max by
connecting it using the JP1 header pins as follows:

MPU6050 (VCC) --> Pin 4
MPU6050 (GND) --> Pin 1
MPU6050 (SDA) --> Pin 15
MPU6050 (SCL) --> Pin 13

I'm using the schematics (
http://www.elinux.org/images/f/fd/MinnowMax_RevA1_sch.pdf) on page 20.

I'm using i2cdetect to detect the MPU6050 but it does not show anywhere I
tried 'i2cdetec -y 1/2/4/5/6' with no luck.

I've loaded the 'i2c-dev' driver too before running i2cdetect.

Any idea what seem to be the problem ?

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