[MinnowBoard] Announce: Tizen:Common booting on minnowboardmax

Philippe Coval philippe.coval at open.eurogiciel.org
Fri Aug 29 17:29:28 UTC 2014

2014-08-23 12:07 GMT+02:00 Philippe Coval <philippe.coval at open.eurogiciel.org>:
> Hi,
> Are there any minnowboard max users who dare to test Tizen:Common OS ?
> You can read the details, watch the demo and download a WIP image :
> https://dockr.eurogiciel.fr/blogs/embedded/tizen-minnowboard-max/

Let me follow up to this announce,
Minnowmax (which just released the sources of device \o/ )
is now a reference hardware for Tizen:Common available to all

This means project live images are built and released
and waiting for bug reports from users.

For installation details and other information on Tizen:Common

Please use this page as entry point :


Note on the current development version
( tizen-common_20140829.12_common-wayland-efi-x86_64-sda.raw.bz2 ) :

* it is shipping crosswalk browser but you can face some issues on 1st boot,
 so you can uninstall it and reinstall fixed version later

* Xbmc is not part of this image , since it's unsupported (ie
"community" project)


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