[MinnowBoard] Windows on the MinnowBoard Max!

Christopher Price cprice at mmv.mobi
Mon Aug 25 21:35:25 UTC 2014

You may have to delete the trailing quote on the URL.

We hadn’t yet added dual-boot support for Console OS and Windows 8.1. I think we’ll have to wait for the full details - the team winced when I brought up the notion of cramming 8.1 and Console OS onto the same 4GB eMMC… but anything’s possible with USB and SATA.

Really nice news overall. It’ll be interesting to hear if Microsoft offers some Windows license akin to Windows 8.1 with Bing for the MAX. Right now a Windows 8.1 standard license rivals the cost of the Minnowboard MAX itself!

Microsoft does hint that won’t be an issue at least for developers:

“The ability for developers to download a copy of Windows OS from MSDN, where they will also find a link pointing to a location where all board-specific drivers will be hosted. In addition, Microsoft will provide scripts to help deploy the OS onto a USB key, or to boot from a USB key and deploy the OS to internal storage."

Christopher Price
ConsoleOS.com - iConsole.tv

On Aug 25, 2014, at 2:16 PM, David Rolfe <David at montala.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi,
> Before I watched the live broadcast this evening (in the U.K.) I had no idea that I was buying an officially Microsoft supported Windows Development Board... but now I have!
> What a pleasant surprise!
> Check out “http://msdn.microsoft.com/hardwaredevboard” for more details!
> Interesting times ahead I think.
> Regards,
> David
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