[MinnowBoard] Lure Plans

Ferchu R chamac2 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 11 23:05:34 UTC 2014

I would be interested in two lures:

MiniDisplay Lure: What would be the size of this display?. I know it's hard
at this point, but what would be the price order?
USB Hub Lure: Would be interested on price too.

I know you don't have exact prices for this at this times, but for those of
us who are planning to base a product on MinnowMax, US50~US70 on each
Minnow set could be a big difference.


2014-08-11 17:51 GMT-05:00 David Anders <danders at circuitco.com>:

>  Chris,
> On 08/11/2014 05:47 PM, Chris Benson wrote:
> Dave,
>  Does the NIC Lure only come with a single PCIe-based gigabit Realtek
> ethernet port, or will there be more than one?
> currently the plan is to provide only one nic.
>  How many Lures can be used simultaneously on a MAX?
>   that is entirely dependent on what interfaces are used and how they are
> used.
>  Is the USB Hub Lure switched or unswitched?
> i am sorry i do not understand your question...
>  Has CircuitCo considered creating a 'prototyping partner program' for
> early adopters of specific Lures (like for people on this mailing list)?
> there are no plans to separate out the lures discussions from the main
> mailing list.
>  Will it be possible to secure volume discounts on the MAX and its Lures
> once production ramps up sufficiently?
> because of the way minnowmax pricing is structured, there are no plans to
> provide volume discounts. this is the same with other open hardware
> platforms such as the beaglebone black...
>  Recognizing that Lures are still in prototyping right now, could you
> please announce target availability dates for these Lures?  For those of us
> with significant dependencies on the proposed Lures, even an extremely
> tentative 'no-promises' date would be better than none at all.
> i can't share any dates with you currently, but i will be in a better
> position to do so in about two weeks.
> Dave
>  Thanks,
> Chris
> On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 6:09 PM, David Anders <danders at circuitco.com>
> wrote:
>>  Greetings All,
>> i'd like to share with everyone the proposed list of lures that will
>> initially be available for the MinnowBoard Max. this list is currently just
>> a proposed list and some of the names/features may change:
>>    *Cape Name* *Description*  Calamari Lure Educational  Moto Lure Dual
>> motor support  MiniDisplay Lure SPI based LCD with Touch  RS-232 Lure rs-232
>> with db-9 connector  Generic Proto Lure standard prototype cap  Power
>> Supply Lure wide voltage range support  Audio Lure new audio cape based
>> on cirrus logic  PWM Lure 32 PWM interfaces for LED/Servo  Relay Lure 4
>> generic gpio controlled relays  CAN Bus Lure CAN Bus support  RS-485 Lure RS-485
>> interface support  ADC Lure multiple ADC inputs  SeaCat Lure mPCIE+mSATA  Nic
>> Lure Gigabit ethernet lure  USB Hub Lure 4 port USB Hub  Ika Lure Arduino
>> Style Headers  Jetsam single mPCIE  Flotsam single mSATA
>> feedback and/or suggestions are welcome!
>> Dave
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