[Elinux-discuss] test message

Bird, Tim Tim.Bird at sony.com
Mon Jul 24 18:11:32 UTC 2023

Hello everyone,

I am reviving this list, and repurposing it for discussions about the Embedded Linux
ecosystem, critical projects, strategy, and so forth.

The list has not been active for a long time, and I plan to remove all current list members
some time this week.  Since the list is being re-purposed from discussions about the elinux
wiki to broader discussions about the elinux ecosystem, I felt that starting with a clean
slate (of list members) would be good.

I'll send out an e-mail to the list before I do the sweep, with instructions to re-join if
you'd like.

Thanks and regards,
 -- Tim Bird - Principal Software Engineer, Sony Electronics, and
                       one of the elinux mail list administrators

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