elinux-MinnowBoard --
MinnowBoard Community Email List
About elinux-MinnowBoard
Welcome! This is the MinnowBoard discussion mailing list!
All MinnowBoard-related topics are appropriate for this list, whether you're just getting started using your MinnowBoard, designing a custom MinnowBoard Lure, or anything in between.
A few ground rules:
1) Be respectful to others. Egregious and offensive behavior will not be tolerated, and your privilege to participate in this list will be revoked.
2) Follow the Fedora Project's Mailing List Guidelines--a good reference for how we can maintain a healthy and productive list.
Other ways to get help:
For other ways to get help, go to MinnowBoard.org/help, where you can post an issue to the open MinnowBoard github account (preferred). We encourage users with general questions to post to GitHub, so responses are more readily searchable and visible to a broad set of developers, including those that are not subscribed to the email list. Some developers desire the email list and IRC, so we will continue to support email list contact. We will adapt our plan as we receive MinnowBoard community member feedback.
We look forward to hearing about your projects involving MinnowBoard hardware!
Don't forget to check out our website:
Searchable email archives for this list can be found on Nabble and Gmane
To see the collection of prior postings to the list,
visit the elinux-MinnowBoard
Using elinux-MinnowBoard
To post a message to all the list members, send email to
You can subscribe to the list, or change your existing
subscription, in the sections below.
Subscribing to elinux-MinnowBoard
Subscribe to elinux-MinnowBoard by filling out the following
You will be sent email requesting confirmation, to
prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you. This is a private list, which means that the
list of members is not available to non-members.
elinux-MinnowBoard Subscribers