[MinnowBoard] drivers/platform/x86/minnowboard.c for Minnowboard Max?

Bruce, Henry henry.bruce at intel.com
Mon Feb 9 07:42:06 UTC 2015

Yong Li,

Take a look at the mraa<https://github.com/intel-iot-devkit/mraa> library that supports gpio and i2c for Minnowboard Max. For software that uses this library see the upm sensor library.<https://github.com/intel-iot-devkit/upm> There is no support planned for Minnowboard v1.


Henry Bruce

From: elinux-MinnowBoard [mailto:elinux-minnowboard-bounces at lists.elinux.org] On Behalf Of Yong Li
Sent: Sunday, February 8, 2015 4:57 AM
To: elinux-minnowboard at lists.elinux.org
Subject: [MinnowBoard] drivers/platform/x86/minnowboard.c for Minnowboard Max?

Hi All, I am using the kernel 3.14.19 for my Max, but I did not find the drivers/platform/x86/minnowboard.c file and other related patches for Minnowboard, I would like to port them to support the Max board, to add some other IO devices, such as IIC, SPI and other GPIO devices.

In which version, can I find these files? Is there any other demo drivers for the IIC/SPI on Minnboard and/or Max board?

Yong Li
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