[MinnowBoard] Windows on the MinnowBoard Max!

Hawley, John john.hawley at intel.com
Mon Aug 25 21:50:43 UTC 2014

Yup, you beat me to getting this out onto the mailing list!

We are going to do another live broadcast of the talk from this morning at 5pm pacific time, if anyone is  interested in listening in.  We don’t have everything available yet, but Windows 8.1 64-bit should boot, we just don’t have all the drivers in a single place for download (should have that by end of September), but it’s something that’s going to get supported going forward.


- John “Warthog9” Hawley

From: elinux-minnowboard-bounces at lists.elinux.org [mailto:elinux-minnowboard-bounces at lists.elinux.org] On Behalf Of David Rolfe
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2014 2:17 PM
To: elinux-minnowboard at lists.elinux.org
Subject: [MinnowBoard] Windows on the MinnowBoard Max!


Before I watched the live broadcast this evening (in the U.K.) I had no idea that I was buying an officially Microsoft supported Windows Development Board... but now I have!

What a pleasant surprise!

Check out “http://msdn.microsoft.com/hardwaredevboard” for more details!

Interesting times ahead I think.


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